Health & Fitness
Ionithermie-Cellulite & Inch Loss Muscle Toning Slimming System
Ionithermie treatment that uses thermal ionic current-conducting clay, fat-busting creams applied to the skin, having been scrubbed and degreased, then covering the body with gauze, together with two types of electrical stimulation; galvanic and faradic waves systems. The galvanic stimulus pushes applied skin produces into the skin 20 times deeper than manual treatments to emulsify fats and toxins thus breaking them down so that the body is able to get rid of them. This effect keeps working in the body for one and a half to two days. The second stimulus; faradic produces muscular contractions to firm and tone, increasing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which removes the toxins broken down via the applied products and galvanic stimulus, thus removing toxins, reducing the appearance of cellulite; orange peel effect, resulting in smooth skin appearance and inch loss at the areas treated.
Pine & cypress aroma oil in the clay helps to drain toxins & promote inch loss. Where there is no allergy to iodine or shellfish; algae is added to the clay to stimulate thyroid & metabolism and increase cleansing via activating sweat glands.
At the end of each treatment, once the clay is removed, each client is given a soothing back massage, leaving them totally relaxed.
On the first treatment, before and after measurements is carried to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment, with further improvements on more treatments. A course of 5 is recommended at first, followed by monthly maintenance treatment with homecare plan as suggested by one's therapist to retain the results.
With good nutrition, eliminating caffeine, bread and dairy, as well as drinking 2 litres of good water daily, Ionithermie treatments can be used to tone and trim problem areas instead of spending hours working out in the gym or doing aerobic/body tone classes. Each treatment produces muscle groups 800 times!!! So the Cheek Lift treatment is equivalent to 800 sit up & 800 squats!!! It is rumoured that the famous Austrian singer/performer Kylie Minogue, is a huge fan of body toning treatments like Ionithermie and uses it to maintain her delightful derriere shape.
Ionithermie treatments are ideal for sedentary workers, people suffer from poor circulation, a job involving a lot of standing, beer belly, bloated feeling, afflicted with cellulite, and anyone wishing to improve their slimming programme.
Because, specific muscle groups can be targeted, Ionithermie can be used as spot reduction, targeting to reduce, tighten, tone & firm Stomach, Legs, Buttocks, Hips, Chest, etc.
It has countless endorsements as a result of its proven track records for producing all round body tone, and because of its diuretic effects, also has the added benefit of removing toxins.
Benefits included;
Inch Loss
Cellulite Reduction
Firm & Toned muscle
Refining Body Tone
Strong fast Body Toning
Muscle Building
Improves skin elasticity
Increases lymphatic drainage
Contraindications include;
Electrical implants
Metal pins & plates
Shellfish & iodine allergies
Extreme Diabetes
Each session consists of 5 treatments wrapped in one;
Body wrap
Muscle Toning
Back massage
Lymphatic Drainage
Oil & Relaxation
Knees to Abdomen (1 hour & 15 minutes treatment time with 30 minutes of alternating faradic & galvanic currents applied - the equivalent of 600 sit-ups & 600 squats)
Single Treatment £90
A course of 3 treatments £230
A course of 5 treatments £350
Araysis Muscle Toning
Inch Loss
Slimming System
Araysis Muscle Toning Inch Loss system
Experience the difference… Unique Inch Loss, Muscle Tone & Firm. One single 17 minutes treatment is equivalent to 330 sit-ups or 400 buttock raises.
Tightens, Reduces, Tones & Firms; Stomach, Legs, Buttocks, Hips etc.
This high intensity, Passive muscles toning system produces 19 inches loss on a course of 12 treatments.
The system has 8 channels; therefore, several areas of the body can be treated at the same time.
It has countless endorsements as a result of its proven track records for producing all round body tone, and because of its diuretic effects, also has the added benefit of removing toxins.
Benefits included;
Inch Loss Reduction
Refining Body Tone
Strong fast Body Toning
Muscle Building
30-minute treatment £45
5 x 30-minute treatment £180

Combine G5 & Araysis - Deep Tissue Anti-Cellulite Massage & Toning combined for slimming
G5 - Deep tissue anti-cellulite massage & Araysis body toning combined.
When the power of deep tissue G5 vibrations & percussion movements massage is used to increase the venous flow and nutrients to underlying body tissues and the skin, stimulating blood circulation & lymphatic drainage system; which breaks down fat deposits, increases circulation, reducing blood pressure and rids the body of toxins and therefore, reducing the appearance of cellulite on area treated. We can also use Araysis body toning faradic muscle toning treatments to tone any body parts to produce a programme that will enable you to slim and tone muscles coupled with good nutrition.
For further information, See G5 deep tissue anti-cellulite massage and Araysis muscle toning slimming treatments
Improved Digestion
Improved Tissue Repair; ideal for muscle sprains, strains, spasms & pains
Improved Muscle tone
Provides the full benefits of Deep Tissue Sport Massage
Whole body De-stress & Detox massage
Breakdown adhesion between superficial & deep tissues, thus improving skin elasticity
Exfoliates the area of the skin being treated, leaving skin soft & smooth
Pressure Sore relieve
Weight Reduction
Cellulite Reduction
Toxins Removal
Increases blood Circulation
Reduces High Blood Press
Fat Reduction
Trigger Point relieve
Oedema relieve
Inch Loss Reduction
Refining Body Tone
Strong fast Body Toning
Muscle Building
Combination Course Araysis Faradic Muscle toning & G5 message
1 Faradic Muscle toning & 1 G5 £80
3 Faradic Muscle toning & 3 G5 £220
5 Faradic Muscle toning & 5 G5 £350
G5 - Deep Tissue Anti-Cellulite Massage
G5- Deep tissue anti-cellulite massage
G5 power deep tissue massage uses simultaneous vibrations & percussion movements to increase the venous flow and nutrients to underlying body tissues and the skin, stimulating blood circulation & lymphatic drainage system; which breaks down fat deposits, increases circulation, reducing blood pressure and rids the body of toxins and therefore, reducing the appearance of cellulite on area treated. This treatment will help clients with poor circulation, high blood pressure and also, clients trying to reduce body weight. Due to the frictional aspect associated with this treatment, it will also exfoliate the area of the skin under treatment, leaving the skin feeling silky soft and smooth.
It can be used as a pre-holiday body toning treatment and is particularly good for treating the back, shoulder, hips, buttock, thighs & Stomach.
It is ideal for providing the full benefits of Deep tissue Sports massage, relieving muscular aches & pains, flushing out lactic-acid built-up during exercise to help recovery, decreasing the onset of Delayed Muscular Soreness (DOMS), relaxing tight muscles, relieving muscle cramps, increasing flexibility & mobility.
G5 message can be used for the treatment of Trigger Points; muscle contraction of hypersensitive areas or tension built up in muscles that can give rise to a painful site elsewhere in the body when stimulated.
G5 massage increases circulation by generating heat and thus assist in mobilising oedema fluids from around the area being treated to increase the range of motion that can result during inactivity. Increased surface circulation also reduces arterial degeneration, thus reducing the height of bony protrusions by relaxing the muscles surrounding the bones, and which can be used for the treatment of Pressure Sores.
Improved Digestion
Improved Tissue Repair; ideal for muscle sprains, strains, spasms & pains
Improved Muscle tone
Provides the full benefits of Deep Tissue Sport Massage
Whole body De-stress & Detox massage
Breakdown adhesion between superficial & deep tissues, thus improving skin elasticity
Exfoliates the area of the skin being treated, leaving skin soft & smooth
Pressure Sore relieve
Weight Reduction
Cellulite Reduction
Toxins Removal
Increases blood Circulation
Reduces High Blood Press
Fat Reduction
Trigger Point relieve
Oedema relieve
Full body (30 minutes) £45
3 G5 £120
5 G5 £195
Cancellations Notice
Clients are advised to give no less than 24 hours notice of any cancellations, failing this the full amount will be charged.
No exceptions will be made.